Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Never Give Up...

Well, here's another post. Sorry it's taken so long (Natashia)...You can't just blog about anything, it has to be good, otherwise people won't want to read it anymore. So, here goes...a lesson in never giving up.
Two weekends ago, Sarah W, Natashia and I headed out on a random roadtrip. We headed for Three Hills, Alberta, a 1.5 hour drive from Calgary, plopped in the middle of nowhere (sorry to any who lives there and may be reading this). The purpose of our trip...to see the local college's performance of the musical "7 Brides for 7 Brothers", a classic movie in the minds of Natashia and I (and soon to become one for Sarah). On our way there, the three of us briefly discussed how odd it was that the school's website made no mention of being able to purchase tickets at the door (we had not purchased our tickets in advance). However, we'd made up our minds to go, and we were going. Case closed.
Upon arriving at the school we ran into another friend from Calgary who informed us that the play was in fact "sold out". BOO! Needless to say, we were crushed.
Determined to make the most of the trip, we headed to a fancy pants restaurant for some food, and during the meal decided that we were not going home without seeing the play we came for, gosh dangit.
So, loaded with millions of excuses and sob stories created over an overpriced dinner, we headed back to the college. Sarah W used her smooth talking and got us in (actually didn't have to use any of our lies, she just told the truth...let this be a lesson to all) for half price to sit at the very back. Well! We were quite pleased! But, imagine our pleasure when not 10 minutes later, the house manager lady comes over and tells us that 3 reserved seats were not going to be used, and she would move us there at the next set change! And move us she did, right into the 3rd row from the front! We were so close we got spat on by the lead singer! And all for just $5! What more could one possibly ask for!
So, the moral of the story is to never give up. Think of what we would have missed had we not simply asked for tickets, even though there were none left! A life lesson learned. End adventure.


  1. Life lesson "Never EVER give up!"- One of the best days of life!

  2. Bargain tickets in what sounds like a fun-filled day! -El.x

  3. You should always ask, even if the answer looks like a 'no' ... you never know because it could be special, reserved seating! Oh what grand weekend adventures ... what does this weekend have in store I wonder :)
