Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blogging, snowmen, ring stackers and other grand adventures!

Well, hello there! Welcome to my blog! This is a whole new experience for me...I thought this might be an easy way to keep in touch with everyone, and my new friends Sarah and Natashia were more than willing to set me up on this "cyber adventure"! So, continue to check the blog for updates on my life adventures.
So, I guess I'll just launch into some of my more recent adventures. First off, it's still snowing here in the wild west. Yep, unfortunately it seems spring does not come to Calgary, but winter stays until the end of July, at which time you get about 2 weeks of summer, and then head on back into winter. Boo. Nobody told me that when I signed up for this adventure. (Please note, the title of the blog is "grand adventures", so I will try to link my posts back to that as often as possible a) because it's fun and possibly annoying to some, and b) everyone knows that a good essay/paper always has a strong link to the topic sentence). Given the presence of snow, and the sunny weather we've been experiencing, Sarah, Natashia, and I decided to spend some time on Sunday building a pretty amazing snowman. After a tasty lunch at a local cafe and a bit of small shop browsing, we headed uphill to the neighbourhood park. There before us stood a monument of some type, listing historical and ecological facts, overlooking the city, and we thought "hmm, what a perfect place to build a snowman". So that's just what we did, then we took some pictures (which hopefully you can see, if I loaded them right), and headed home for tea. Later that night, following some movie watching, we decided to head back to the park to see if "Hal" the snowman was still alive...only to be sadly more Hal, he had been destroyed by some local hooligans presumably.
Next adventure: Working with children means that I always have some good stories to share. This one is one of my favourites so far. It happened on Tuesday morning, as I was doing a communication assessment with a little guy. This fella's known to have a bit of a temper, so I took along the behavioural consultant as back up. We were through most of the assessment, when I handed the child a ring stacker (for those of you who don't play with ring stackers daily, it's that plastic toy with the rocking base and yellow stick, and you have to put the different coloured rings on the stick in the right order), and told him to put the rings on. Then I looked away...bad idea. Before I even had a chance to react, the ring stacker was flying across the table toward me...and smucked me right on the forehead. Yep, I got hit in the head with a ring stacker. My forehead is still a bit tender today, but thankfully there is no bruising!
This is a really long post, but there doesn't seem to be a limit to how much I can write. Anyways, I should likely sign off, and I need to got to bed and gain strength for tomorrow's grand adventures!
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Woo! Sarah moves forward into the 21st century with leaps and technological bounds. Great idea, look forward to the next post! -El.

  2. YOU BLOGGED!!! HOORAY!- Let the adventures begin..

  3. I'm excited for more weekend grand adventures with you!!

  4. When are you going to update eh sis
