Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Fall!

Well folks, after a lovely long summer full of fun, it is officially fall here in the mountains and I'm loving it! What have I been up to lately you may be wondering (though you probably have way more important things to be wondering about...let's be honest). Well, let me tell you and show you through some photos.

1 - I've been going to weddings and knitting like a crazy lady for babies that continue to come into my life. Just found out rather recently that my very bestest friend in the whole wide world is pregnant, making me a very excited Aunt to Be! Also, my yurt-dwelling Yukon friend sent me the most lovely email this past week telling me that she is also pregnant. And finally, a very good friend from school just gave birth to a little baby boy, whom I can't wait to meet! Ok, that's all for baby news for now.

What else have I been up to?

2 - visiting family at home and loving every single minute of lying on the dock, skiing, lying on the dock, running, lying on the dock, eating, lying on the dock, visiting friends, lying on the dock, knitting, lying on the dock, reading, lying on the dock, visiting "Sarah" the sheep, born on my birthday at my sister-in-law's little farm - ya, you read that right - pretty awesome eh!?

3 - participating in an amazing outdoor adventure race that challenged and thrilled beyond belief. Picture 2 days in the mountains, hiking, biking, canoing, rapelling, eating, sleeping...just a whole lot of grand adventure material

4 - going to a super crazy, somewhat dangerous, small town amateur rodeo - don't know if my heart can handle going again (way too many close calls involving backsides and bullhorns), but it sure was a grand adventure

5 - taking random roadtrips through the countryside with my sister, enjoying the beautiful fall scenery!

Ok, that's all for now. Back to eating the chocolate that I bought for the trick-or-treaters...they better hope they get here soon, or there's not going to be anything left!